How to Spot Red Flags in Online Casual Dating

Apr 19, 2023 | Casual Dating Tips

If you’re dating online, you want to make sure you’re choosing the right person. You don’t want to get in a relationship with someone who will treat you badly or won’t respect your boundaries.

That’s why it’s so important to spot red flags in online casual dating early on. This way, you can avoid an unhealthy relationship and keep your date happy!

1. They have a lot of detailed requirements on their profile

When it comes to online dating, there are a few things you should be aware of. These red flags can help you avoid wasting time on someone who doesn’t have your best interests in mind.

The first one to look out for is a person who has a lot of detailed requirements on their profile, according to relationship expert Rachel Gray. She told Newsweek, “If they have a long list of expectations for potential matches, this is usually indicative of a controlling or bitter person.”

Another thing to keep an eye out for on dating apps is a lack of lifestyle information. This could mean that they’re hiding something, such as age or if they have kids or do drugs.

In addition, if they’re only looking for casual dates, this can be a sign that they’re not serious about you. Often, people who only want casual dates are only interested in seeing you once or twice before getting serious, and this can make it difficult to get to know them.

Finally, if they’re sexting or asking for sexually-explicit pictures without your consent, this is also a red flag. This is a sign that they don’t respect your boundaries and will likely continue to disrespect them in the future.

Aside from these specific red flags, there are several other things to keep an eye out for when swiping on online casual dating sites. These red flags may not be as obvious to you, but they’re still worth paying attention to.

2. They’re only looking for casual dates

Casual dating is a big part of our culture, and it can be a great way to meet new people and make connections. But it can also be dangerous if you’re not careful about who you date, especially online. Luckily, there are ways to spot red flags in online casual dating to ensure you don’t get hurt.

First, look for signs that they are trying to hide something from you. This can include a lack of profile pictures or videos, or it could even be as simple as not being very open about themselves in their Snapchat or TikTok videos.

Next, try to get a feel for their demeanor by paying attention to the subtle nonverbal cues that reveal their inner emotions. For example, a person with hardened eyelids or pursing lips may be revealing that they are nervous or anxious.

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Finally, don’t be afraid to speak up if you notice anything unusual about the person you’re dating. For example, if they start asking you to send sexually-explicit photos right away or suddenly ghost you without a reason, it might be a sign that they are ignoring your boundaries or they will not respect them once they’re in a relationship with you.

It’s important to set boundaries early on, therapist Sasha Jackson tells Cosmopolitan. This will allow you to set the tempo for how your relationship should be treated, she says.

3. They’re sexting

When it comes to online casual dating, there are many red flags that you need to be aware of. Some of these may seem a little obvious, but others may be harder to spot. But if you’re able to spot them in time, you can avoid a lot of heartache.

One of the biggest red flags is when a person you’re interested in starts sexting with you before you even get to know each other. This can be a fun and flirty way to get to know someone, but it’s not something you should start doing if you’re looking for a relationship.

Another red flag is if they’re constantly posting or sharing controversial and radical content that doesn’t align with your values. This could be something like supporting a presidential candidate you despise or posting an article that goes against your beliefs.

The worst part is that you’re likely to find this on their social media profiles, as well! This could be a sign that they’re trying to control your thoughts and actions.

This is a big red flag for a number of reasons. First, it shows that they aren’t comfortable with their own sexuality and are putting you at risk.

Second, they’re ignoring your boundaries and asking for too much of your time and attention. This can lead to a lot of tension and stress in your relationship.

Finally, they’re not respectful of your time and they’re looking to hold power over you. This is called Gaslighting and it’s a psychological tactic that can make people doubt what they think and feel about them.

The good news is that there are many different ways to spot these red flags in online casual dating. Just be aware of them and remember that everyone is unique.

4. They don’t respect your boundaries

There are plenty of things that can go wrong in online casual dating. However, by being careful and staying safe, you can have a great time and meet a lot of new people.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re not in a monogamous relationship and that you don’t have to commit to anything, so be sure to communicate your intentions clearly from the beginning. If you don’t, you could end up with a partner who doesn’t meet your expectations and leave you feeling frustrated or unhappy.

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Another thing to be wary of is someone who lists a lot of detailed requirements on their profile. This can be a sign that they’re critical, controlling or fearful of commitment.

They can also be very secretive about their previous relationships and their dating activities. These are all signs that they’re looking for something more than a casual relationship.

You should also avoid anyone who’s not a very active communicator. They’re often a bit nervous about talking to you and don’t want to talk about themselves too much.

If they’re sexting, that’s also a red flag. Sexting can be a fun way to get to know someone, but it shouldn’t be your only method of communicating.

In fact, it’s best to keep your sexting to a minimum because sexting can lead to STIs and sexually transmitted diseases.

If you’re concerned about a potential casual partner, it’s always a good idea to speak to a professional counselor. They can help you decide whether casual dating is right for you and give you tips on how to stay safe while chatting with people on online dating sites.

5. They’re constantly insulting their previous partners

When you’re looking for a romantic partner online, you want to make sure you’re choosing someone who will be compatible with your needs. However, there are some red flags you should be on the lookout for in your potential date’s behavior that can tell you they’re not right for you.

One of the most common red flags is when a guy is constantly insulting his previous partners. They may say things like, “my ex was a total d*ck!” or, “I don’t know why you were with me but it was the worst experience of your life.”

This isn’t always a bad thing, but it can be an indicator that your partner is trying to hide something from you. According to wikiHow, it’s a sign of their emotional control issues and could indicate they’re not ready for a serious relationship.

Another red flag is if your partner is a loner. If your potential partner is a loner, it’s a sign that they don’t enjoy being around other people or aren’t comfortable in social situations.

These behaviors can also be signs of covert abuse.

They can be subtle, but they can also be very threatening. They can use their spacey nature to deny any wrongdoing and shift blame onto you if you react.

If you see any of these signs in your potential partner, it’s time to call the police or seek help from a trusted friend. This is the first step to protecting yourself and your relationship from a toxic, abusive partner.

These are the most common red flags in online casual dating, but there are plenty more to consider. If you’re worried about your current partner, read our guide on how to spot an abusive dating partner.